21 August 2007

Here is the deal, I am a generation X chic in my 30's and I love to go to see live shows. I go to heaps of concerts around Adelaide in South Australia and figure that rather than buying expensive merchandise, ill make my souvenir a blog and be a critic on each show.
I always read the write up in the Advertiser about shows and feel that the writer always just highlights the good stuff and sugar coats things to suit publication. Well I have decided that I will just tell it like it is - I dont wont to offend any major fans, I am just giving a single point of view.

I have decided that for the purpose of my blog, I am not going to limit this to concerts, Ill give my view on movies, plays, places to eat - anywhere or anything that I think warrants a mention. I am happy to receive comments either those who aggree or disagree to what I have said, but will not allow any offensive comments to be posted on the blog - I can take constructive criticism and accept that everyone has an opinion......!

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